Enter GSTIN of @{:14}27AAIPE2289B1ZY
Date of GST Registration29/12/2017
Staff NameSonu Roy
Fin. Year2018-19
CRN Cancelled?No
Select Client NameArvind Estibeiro
ITR AuditNo
GST AuditNo
@{:14}'s EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
CR InchargeSonu Roy
Sales as per 26AS₹ 53,883.00
@{:18}'s EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Sales reported in GST3B of foll year till sept₹ 0.00
Sales reported in GSTR1 of foll yr. till Sept₹ 0.00
GST Turnover Reported in ITR 3rd Page₹ 0.00
Total GST Cr Amt in 3B₹ 32,022.00
GST Cr Amt claimed in 3B in Foll Yr.₹ 47,682.59
Notes, If any

28.09.2020 GSTR9 FY 18-19
1. GSTR1 Q4 not file
2. GST turnover not put in ITR 3page
3. Credit not received from Endurance International Group (India) Private Limited 4235.32 and Vodafone Rs 18
4. GST 3B and GSTR1 Actual matched but GSTR1 Not filed ..hence GSTR1 filed GST3B and also GSTR1 matched......
5. ITR Revised return file for GST turnover and ITR turnover not matched hence ITR revised also matched
date 04.11.2020
GST3B, GSTR1 and ITR also matched ( ITR revised return filed and GSTR1 Q4 FY 18-19 return filed)

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