Enter GSTIN of @{:14}27AAIPE2289B1ZY
Date of GST Registration29/12/2017
Staff NameSonu Roy
Fin. Year2019-20
CRN Cancelled?No
Select Client NameArvind Estibeiro
ITR AuditNo
GST AuditNo
@{:14}'s EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
CR InchargeSonu Roy
Sales as per 26AS₹ 99,939.00
@{:18}'s EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Sales reported in GST3B of foll year till sept₹ 0.00
Sales reported in GSTR1 of foll yr. till Sept₹ 0.00
GST Turnover Reported in ITR 3rd Page₹ 155,391.00
Total GST Cr Amt in 3B₹ 32,022.32
GST Cr Amt claimed in 3B in Foll Yr.₹ 47,682.59
Notes, If any

1. GSTR1 FY 19-20 File due because lockdown issue
2. GST 3B date include in May 2020 3B Return
3. if we have Jan, Feb and march 2020 data include in GSTR1 FY 19-20 difference in GSTR1 and 3B Rs 38,519
4. GSTR1 and ITR turnover matched
5. late fee Paid Rs 730 challan attached

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