Date Created CRN Client Name Total Amount of Outstanding Tax Demand A.Y, Decison Status of Demand Outstanding Any Other Demand Pending Approval Status CR Incharge Created By (User) Our Fee
April 8, 202384-17310XAVIER NATIVITY DSOUZA₹ 59,055.00A.Y. 2021-22Client to pay the tax
  • Not Resolved
YesApprovedSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 2,000.00
March 24, 202384-17085GITA MURTHY₹ 17,050.00A.Y. 2012-13
  • Pending
ApprovedSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 2,500.00
April 12, 202384-17329ALOMA EMMANUEL FERNANDES₹ 16,230.00A.Y. 2018-19
  • Resolved
PendingSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 3,000.00
April 6, 202384-16968NEELIMA PUSHPAKANT OVALEKAR₹ 14,178.00A.Y. 2022-23Client to pay the tax using online link (To auto delete demand)
  • Pending
YesDisapprovedPooja ParmaniRanjita Adbal₹ 3,000.00
April 5, 202384-17192Smita Harshsudan Purecha₹ 29,970.00A.Y. 2018-19Client to pay the tax
  • Not Resolved
NoApprovedSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 4,000.00
March 3, 202384-15896Rajkumar Rangnath₹ 32,690.00A.Y. 2021-22Client not to pay we will File Response to OS Demand
  • Not Resolved
YesPendingSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 4,000.00
March 24, 202384-17062GITA MURTHY₹ 43,710.00A.Y. 2010-11
  • Pending
ApprovedSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 4,500.00
April 4, 202384-17189MAHARSHI KAMAL PATEL₹ 59,250.00A.Y. 2021-22Client to pay the tax
  • Not Resolved
NoPendingPooja ParmaniRanjita Adbal₹ 7,110.00
April 12, 202384-17313ramani sridhran₹ 69,740.002009-10
  • Not Resolved
DisapprovedSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 8,370.00
March 2, 202384-16039RAJUL RAJNIKANT DESAI₹ 79,648.00A.Y. 2022-23Client not to pay we will File Rectification Return
  • Not Resolved
NoPendingSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 9,470.00
 Date Created CRN Client Name Total Amount of Outstanding Tax Demand A.Y, Decison Status of Demand Outstanding Any Other Demand Pending Approval Status CR Incharge Created By (User) Our Fee
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