Date Created CRN Client Name Total Amount of Outstanding Tax Demand A.Y, Decison Status of Demand Outstanding Any Other Demand Pending Approval Status CR Incharge Created By (User) Our Fee
March 27, 202384-17087Jyostna Negi₹ 7,730.00A.Y. 2019-20Client to pay the tax
  • Not Resolved
YesApprovedSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 2,000.00
March 31, 202384-16584Rajkumar Ranganath (HUF)₹ 490.00A.Y. 2022-23Client to pay the tax
  • Not Resolved
NoApprovedSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 1.00
March 31, 202384-16583ALLWYN MARSHALL RODRIGUES₹ 1,050.00A.Y. 2022-23Client to pay the tax
  • Not Resolved
YesApprovedSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 1,000.00
March 31, 202384-16266AJEET PAL SINGH₹ 160.00A.Y. 2021-22Client not to pay
  • Resolved
NoApprovedSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 1.00
April 5, 202384-17192Smita Harshsudan Purecha₹ 29,970.00A.Y. 2018-19Client to pay the tax
  • Not Resolved
NoApprovedSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 4,000.00
April 8, 202384-17310XAVIER NATIVITY DSOUZA₹ 59,055.00A.Y. 2021-22Client to pay the tax
  • Not Resolved
YesApprovedSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 2,000.00
April 12, 202384-17329ALOMA EMMANUEL FERNANDES₹ 16,230.00A.Y. 2018-19
  • Resolved
PendingSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 3,000.00
April 12, 202384-17313ramani sridhran₹ 69,740.002009-10
  • Not Resolved
DisapprovedSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 8,370.00
May 5, 202384-17458SANJEEV MANOHAR TAWDE₹ 1,010.00A.Y. 2020-21Client to pay the tax using online link (To auto delete demand)
  • Pending
YesApprovedSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 1,000.00
May 5, 202384-17459SANJEEV MANOHAR TAWDE₹ 1,488.00A.Y. 2021-22Client to pay the tax using online link (To auto delete demand)
  • Pending
YesApprovedSonu RoyRanjita Adbal₹ 1,000.00
 Date Created CRN Client Name Total Amount of Outstanding Tax Demand A.Y, Decison Status of Demand Outstanding Any Other Demand Pending Approval Status CR Incharge Created By (User) Our Fee
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